Christina Josephine Malathi Andrews
Metamaterials (MTMs) are artificially built materials intended to give its properties from the internal structure, rather than the chemical composition found in natural materials. Electric permittivity (ε) and magnetic permeability (μ) are the two basic parameters which describe the electromagnetic property of a material or medium. Permittivity describes how a material is affected when it is placed in electric field. And permeability describes how a material is affected in presence of magnetic field. Metamaterials may have either negative permittivity or permeability or both may be negative simultaneously. The concept of metamaterials has additionally been utilized to design different kinds of patches with upgraded performance, such as improved gain and enhanced efficiency. Also, it has been utilized for the scaling down of patches. Two parameters are utilized in the collected works for antennas using metamaterials. We can adjust the refractive index of the metamaterial to positive, near-zero or negative values. Utilization of epsilon negative, MNG (μ - Mu negative) or DNG (double negative) are called metamaterial- based antennas and the use of metamaterial unit cell for example complementary split ring resonator, split ring resonator and so on are alluded as metamaterial inspired antennas. The design of complementary split ring resonator and its equivalent circuit will be discussed in this work. CSRR (complementary split ring resonator) provides both isolation enhancement and miniaturization for MIMO antenna.