Bituminous rocks, including oil shales, are sedimentary rocks. They include a group of rocks like shales, marls and carbonates. Containing 60–90% mineral matter and less organic matter. Five techniques namely, XRD, FRX, ICP/AES, MEB-EDX and FTIR analysis were used to characterize the the mineral material of Moroccan Rif bituminous rock. The results obtained by these methods showed that the dominant mineral phase in all samples is quartz (70.04–84.46 wt%). The TA sample contains high amounts of calcium oxide (CaO) and magnesium oxide (MgO), as well as a task amount of carbonates compared to the other samples. These quantities were confirmed by ICP/AES, MEB-EDX and ETIR. According the XRD analysis, the illite and the chlorite (clay minerals) and other mineral are existed in various proportions of low weight.
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