A one-dimensional transient heat conduction equation is solved using analytical and numerical methods. An iterative technique is employed which estimates unknown boundary conditions from the measured temperature time history. The focus of the present chapter is to investigate effects of input parameters such as time delay, thermocouple cavity, error in the location of thermocouple position and time- and temperature-dependent thermophysical properties. Inverse heat conduction problem IHCP is solved with and without material conduction. A two-time level implicit finite difference numerical method is used to solve nonlinear heat conduction problem. Effects of uniform, nonuniform and deforming computational grids on the estimated convective heat transfer are investigated in a nozzle of solid rocket motor. A unified heat transfer analysis is presented to obtain wall heat flux and convective heat transfer coefficient in a rocket nozzle. A two-node exact solution technique is applied to estimate aerodynamic heating in a free flight of a sounding rocket. The stability of the solution of the inverse heat conduction problem is sensitive to the spatial and temporal discretization.
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