Gastroprotective Mechanisms


Alves Araujo de Lima Cirlane,Silva de Lima Robson,Batista de Souza Jesica,de Souza Graça Ariel,Maria Thomazzi Sara,Sena Batista Josemar,dos Santos Estevam Charles


Gastric ulcer (GU), a common type of peptic ulcer, results from an imbalance in the action of protective and aggressive agents. Gastroprotective mechanisms are mucus layer, gastric epithelium, gastric blood flow, gastric neurons, mucosal repair capacity, and immune system. Thus, the aim of this chapter was to provide an update on gastroprotective mechanisms. It was carried out through searches in PubMed covering the years 2016–2021 using several keywords. This survey resulted in 428 articles, of which 110 were cited in this chapter. It was reviewed the status of gastroprotective mechanisms and highlighted that mucins can act as a filter; gastric epithelial defenses are composed of the cell barrier, stem cells, and sensors on the mucosal surface; nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) act for gastric blood flow homeostasis (GBF); the main effector neurons in the gastric mucosa are cholinergic, nitrergic and VIPergic, and oxytocin can activate neurons; repair of the gastric mucosa requires complex biological responses; the immune system regulates the entry of antigens and pathogens. The main knowledge about gastroprotective mechanisms remains unchanged. However, we conclude that there has been progressing in this area.









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