Perspective Chapter: Exploring the Role of Female Characters to Fights Their Rights against Male Domination in the Selected Literary Works of Buchi Emecheta and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


Alkasim Kiyawa Haruna


This paper aims to explore the male domination that affected almost women under the African patriarchal traditional system. This article also examines how female characters challenge the several subordinations and suffering as a result of domestic violence experienced at their matrimonial homes. The theoretical perspective that framed the study was feminism. The data were obtained by selecting some relevant excerpts analysing the two novels (The Bride Price, Purple Hibiscus) using textual analysis. The findings revealed that all the characters individually were able to reveal their responses, and experiences on the value of the humanity with equity and justice, which challenged the primitive culture in African society. The finding yielded four themes including (a) forced/arranged marriage; (b) gender inequality to acquire education; (d) psychological abuse; and (d) physical abuse. Finally, these findings provided an empirical support for the application of the global feminism from two African feminist writers.



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