Determination of Grass Quality Using Spectroscopy: Advances and Perspectives


Ortega Monsalve Manuela,Rodríguez Monroy Tatiana,Galeano-Vasco Luis,Medina-Sierra Marisol,Cerón-Muñoz Mario


Spectroscopy is a promising technique for determining nutrients in grasses and may be a valuable tool for future research. This chapter reviews research carried out in recent years, focusing on determining the quality of grasses using spectroscopy techniques, specifically, spectrophotometry. The chemical methods used to determine the nutritional quality of grasses produce chemical residues, are time-consuming, and are costly to use when analyzing large crop extensions. Spectroscopy is a non-destructive technique that can establish the nutritional quality of grass easily and accurately. This chapter aims to describe the techniques focused on the use of spectroscopy and machine learning models to predict and determine the quality of grasses. A bibliographic review was conducted and recent research articles were selected that showed spectroscopic techniques applied to grasses. Different methods and results focusing on the quality of the grasses were compiled. In general, this review showed that the most commonly used spectroscopic method is near-infrared analysis. Spectroscopy is a very effective tool that opens the way to new types of technologies that can be applied to obtain results in determining the quality of pastures, leaving behind the use of traditional methods that represent higher costs and disadvantages compared to traditional methods based on precision agriculture.



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