Tandon Vrinda,Mehra Ritika
With a growing proportion of online activities on social networking sites on different mediums like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn the requirement for personality prediction associated with this online mediated behavior has also increased significantly. The user generated content on social media can be effectively leveraged to record, analyze and predict personality through different psychological approaches like MBTI, Big Five, and DISC. Predicting personality has displayed an intrinsic influence in multifarious domains like career choice, political influence, brand inclination, customized advertising, improvising learning outcomes, recommender system algorithms and so on. The objective of this paper is to stipulate an overview of different strategies used by researchers to predict personality based on the social media usage and user generated content across prominent social media platforms. It was observed that the personality traits can be accurately inferred from user behavior reflected on social media through attributes like status posted, pictures uploaded, number of friends, groups joined, network density, liked content. As of now, Facebook followed by Twitter are the most prominent social media platforms for conducting the study however, the use other social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn are expected to increase exponentially for carrying out personality prediction study.