Benefits and Ethical Vulnerabilities of Artificial Intelligence


Doval Elena,Helena Negulescu Oriana


This research examines how artificial intelligence has evolved rapidly and dramatically influences business and personal life. The research is fundamental and focuses primarily on secondary data but also on one’s knowledge, observations, ideas, and conceptualizations. To illustrate the involvement of AI as correctly as possible, the research result is structured as follows: (1) Introduction, including the questions people usually ask and the succession of answers the research aims to do. (2) “AI overview”, where the research findings include the definition, system components diagram with the primary applicability, a brief parallel between the benefits and risks diagram in four main company activities, and some future AI trends. (3) “Ethics in AI” results in a synthesis of the ethical principles of AI, as well as the selection of fears and vulnerabilities in a diagram, followed by some ways to avoid unethical actions. Finally, the findings in (4) “The paradigm of change from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0”, where based on conceptualization, “the effects of AI progress in the industry are analyzed with each characteristic”. (5) Conclusion.



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