Siddaiah Madhusudhan Kempaiah,Pallavi M.R.
Malnutrition occurs when there are deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and or nutrients. Diet and nutrition affect oral health in several ways. Early childhood malnutrition is in association with dental caries, enamel hypoplasia, salivary gland hypofunction, and delayed eruption. Poor oral health is in association with tooth decay, periodontal disease, and lesions in other oral tissues among children and older adults. This correlation between malnutrition adversely affects the oral structures and poor oral health, which in turn, leads to poor nutrition (Malnutrition). Various nutritional deficiencies, along with deficiencies of protein, energy foods, or both affect the development of the oral cavity. Dietary practices, nutritional status, general health status, and oral health conditions are all interrelated factors. Due to malnutrition, there are multiple effects on the oral tissues and subsequent development of oral disease. This paper gives an insight into the interrelationship of malnutrition affecting the development of the oral cavity and the progression of the oral disease.