Influence of Seed Development and Maturation on the Physiological and Biochemical Seed Quality


Obura Morish,Lamo Jimmy


Seed quality is one of the widely discussed topics in seed system and seed biology; thus, many countries with functional and vibrant seed system have invested heavily in seed quality assurance and quality control. Good quality seed is crucial for any cropping system, for without it, there is poor field establishment and wastage of other production inputs. Good quality seed responds well to added inputs, ensures uniform crop establishment, and has higher yield advantage to poor quality seed under the same management practice. It is, however, important to note that seed quality is influenced greatly by seed development and maturation. Storage reserves are deposited in seed storage tissues during seed development and maturation, and these reserves are important in the early stages of germination and maintenance of seedling life when it has not yet developed good photosynthetic capacity. The development stage at which the seed is harvested has enormous influence on its performance either in the field or storage, in terms of germination behavior and vigor characteristics, and maintenance of viability. This chapter presents some of the current understandings and findings on seed development and maturation, with emphasis on the physiological and biochemical quality.



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