Sanctorum Audrey,Maushagen Jan,Sepehri Sara,Vrijens Guillaume,De Kock Joery,Vanhaecke Tamara,De Troyer Olga,Debruyne Christophe
The chapter presents the knowledge management system, developed in the context of an interdisciplinary project called TOXIN, for the toxicity testing domain to facilitate the safety assessment of new cosmetic ingredients. Tools have been developed to capture existing knowledge captured in Safety Evaluation Opinions documents issued by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety in a knowledge graph, to enrich this knowledge with knowledge from other sources, and to access this knowledge efficiently. Ontologies and semantic technology are used to build the toxicological knowledge graph and its tools. The developed knowledge management system is based on the processes for creating, maintaining, and exploiting knowledge graphs defined in the Abstract Reference Architecture. The chapter discusses the approach followed for developing the knowledge management system, and the tools developed to support the different processes of the Abstract Reference Architecture. These tools include end-user tools, as well as more advanced tools for information technology experts.