Termiticidal activity of Senna occidentalis and Tithonia divercifolia extracts and study of their toxicity on mammals


Yao Martin Siapo,Annick Tahiri


The termiticidal activity of methanolic extracts of Senna occidentalis and Tithonia diversifolia leaves was determined on the crop pest termite, Ancistrotermes cavithorax. Both extracts were toxic to termite workers by contact and inhalation. The T. diversifolia extract (LC50 of 29, 76 mg/l) was more toxic than the S. occidentalis extract (LC50 of 84.90 mg/l). The two extracts are not repellent but anti-palatable. To recommend insecticidal plants in the culture medium requires the knowledge of their harmfulness to the environment and mammals. This and the toxicity of its two extracts were determined on female rats Rattus norvegicus. The LD 50 of these two extracts exceeded 5000 mg/kg of body mass. The extracts did not cause any renal or hepatic damage after 14 days. The use of these insecticidal plant extracts can therefore be recommended to farmers.



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