Oncological Distress: Coping Styles in the Face of Suffering


Gabrielli Fabio,Irtelli Floriana


Psycho-oncology explores some complex dimensions like emotions, feelings, and relationships of oncological patients. Cross-sectional studies have found that anxiety is a common reaction among cancer patients; it manifests itself with both mental (psychological) and physical (somatic) symptoms. As a matter of fact, many anxious patients suffer from a combination of mental and physical symptoms, with one aggravating the other, creating a vicious circle. Mental symptoms are worry, irritability, restlessness, insomnia, and nightmares. Physical symptoms consist of respiratory breathlessness, hyperactivity of the autonomic nervous system, or muscle tension. Depression is also very common as a reaction. In this regard, we must specify that coping styles act as early modulators of adaptation responses to the disease, and their advance knowledge can predict the person’s response to the disease, and this can help to think about the most appropriate type of support to offer to the patient. It would be desirable to inform patients more frequently about the psychological consequences of cancer, about the psychological support available and its benefits, and about psychological interventions that can promote more suitable and effective coping.



Reference60 articles.

1. Wise TN, Biondi M, Costantini A, editors. Psycho-Oncology. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing Press; 2013

2. Le Breton D. Anthropologie de la douleur. Paris: Éditions Métailié; 2006

3. Heidegger M. Being and Time. Albany: State University of New York Press; 1962 Trans. by John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson SCM Press, London 1962, re-translated by Joan Stambaugh 1996

4. Leriche R. Chirurgie de la douleur. Paris: Masson; 1949

5. Binswanger L. The existential analysis school of thought (Angel E, Trans.). In: May R, Angel E, Ellenberger HF, editors. Existence: A New Dimension in Psychiatry and Psychology. Basic Books/Hachette Book Group; 1958. pp. 191-213. DOI: 10.1037/11321-007








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