From past to present, different solutions have been brought to the problem of crime and punishment of criminals in different periods. At first, it was applied in the form of paying the penalty for the crime, paying a fine and paying a diet. Today, modernized programs are implemented in which convicts and detainees are not only imprisoned, but also by using individualized programs compatible with their personalities, making rehabilitation works and reintegrating these individuals into society as a priority. Beginning in 2015, pilot studies supported by the EU have been carried out in Turkey. The projects in which BISIS (Individual Risk and Needs Analysis) and DEPAR (Assessment, Profile Tools and Rehabilitation Programs) programs ensure that the convict’s history, reason for guilt, criminal record, physical ability or problem, mental structure, personality, possible harm or damage, duration of sentence, crime risk index, and his expectation after release are determined upon admission to the penitentiary institution. The results of BISIS provide both a clue for the security unit in the institution and information about the societal risks of the perpetrators. This information has been discussed in parallel with the literature in order to further develop the improvement studies and gain a universal dimension.
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