Children Living a Global Pandemic: Anxiety Repercussions


I. Garcia-Adasme Salvador,López-Escobar Alejandro


A global pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 is still beaten our world. The disease, termed COVID-19 by the WHO, has a wide range of clinical manifestations, ranging from a mild, self-limiting form of the disease to multiple organ failure and death, forcing governments to take measures to mitigate the transmission and reduce the economic impact. However, the paediatric manifestation appears to take a milder form of the disease but they are not oblivious to the consequences of the disease. They suffered personal and parental lost, broke their social relationships, forced to home confinement, school closures, all of them with secondary implications. As a result, children’s anxiety levels and manifestations have increased during pandemic. To prevent and counteract this situation, measures were implemented like increase physical activity, a balanced diet, and regular sleep pattern; and in relationship sphere use social media to stay in touch with school mates and relatives.



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