The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is an extensively studied optimization challenge in operations research, applicable to logistics, transportation, and supply chain management. Its goal is to find optimal routes for vehicles, minimizing distance and maximizing customer satisfaction. Genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and ant colony optimization are search algorithms commonly used to solve the VRP. This chapter provides a comparative analysis of these algorithms, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. It introduces the VRP and its variants, along with associated challenges and constraints, and offers an overview of different search algorithms used for solving the problem, explaining their principles, advantages, and limitations. Real-world case studies showcase successful applications of these algorithms in package delivery, waste collection, and emergency response. Additionally, the chapter explores key factors influencing algorithm performance, including problem size, complexity, and parameters. It concludes by providing recommendations for selecting appropriate algorithms for different VRP instances. By providing a comprehensive understanding of search algorithms for the VRP, this chapter enables readers to make informed decisions when addressing similar optimization problems in practical scenarios.