High-Intensity Ultrasound and Its Interaction with Foodstuff and Nanomaterials


Luisa Rentería-Monterrubio Ana,Chávez-Martínez América,Juárez-Moya Julianna,Sánchez Vega Rogelio,Manuel Tirado Juan,Alberto Reyes-Villagrana Raúl


In recent decades, food research has focused on hybrid systems, that is, the application of nanomaterials and the so-called emerging technologies, whose objective is to increase the quality of food. Among these technologies that are different from thermal is high intensity ultrasound. This chapter presents and describes the interaction of acoustic waves supported by classical physics and nanomaterials generated by nanotechnology carried out in contemporary physics, all integrated as a multidisciplinary knowledge applied to food. Acoustic waves have a spectrum called ultrasound, with an approximate frequency range between 20 kHz and 1 GHz, and this is divided into low-intensity ultrasound (LIU), whose objective is to characterize materials. On the contrary, high-intensity ultrasound (HIU) has the objective of carrying out destructive tests, modifying the study samples. This happens because the HIU generates a phenomenon called acoustic cavitation, which consists of the generation, growth, and implosion of microbubbles, causing alterations in the near and far acoustic field. The proposed review focuses on the application of high-intensity ultrasound to be used in the food industry. Subsequently, a brief approach is made to nanotechnology and nanomaterials and how they have been incorporated into the food industry.



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