E. Truffyn Emma,B. Pridy Colin,C. Watt Margo,Hill Amanda,H. Stewart Sherry
We sought to determine the efficacy of a music intervention in decreasing state anxiety and dental-related anxiety among patients awaiting dental clinic services, particularly those with high AS-physical concerns (i.e., fear of adverse physical consequences of arousal sensations). Forty-six dental patients between the ages of 20 and 78 years (61% female) participated in the intervention. While awaiting dental procedures, patients completed the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 and were exposed to music selected by experts to be either relaxing (n = 24) or neutral (n = 22). During the exposure period, participants completed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State Form-6, and the Dental Anxiety Scale-4 as outcome variables. Contrary to predictions, participants exposed to relaxing (vs. neutral) music did not report lower levels of dental or state anxiety. Paradoxically, participants in the relaxing music condition showed a significant positive correlation between AS-cognitive concerns (e.g., fear of losing control) and AS-social concerns (e.g., fear of public embarrassment) with dental anxiety. Dental clinics should be more intentional in their selection of music in the waiting room, as patients with high AS-cognitive and/or high AS-social concerns may experience a paradoxical increase in dental anxiety from music intended to be relaxing.