Relaxing Music in the Dental Waiting Room Has Paradoxical Effects on Dental Anxiety in Patients with High Cognitive and Social Anxiety Sensitivity


E. Truffyn Emma,B. Pridy Colin,C. Watt Margo,Hill Amanda,H. Stewart Sherry


We sought to determine the efficacy of a music intervention in decreasing state anxiety and dental-related anxiety among patients awaiting dental clinic services, particularly those with high AS-physical concerns (i.e., fear of adverse physical consequences of arousal sensations). Forty-six dental patients between the ages of 20 and 78 years (61% female) participated in the intervention. While awaiting dental procedures, patients completed the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 and were exposed to music selected by experts to be either relaxing (n = 24) or neutral (n = 22). During the exposure period, participants completed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State Form-6, and the Dental Anxiety Scale-4 as outcome variables. Contrary to predictions, participants exposed to relaxing (vs. neutral) music did not report lower levels of dental or state anxiety. Paradoxically, participants in the relaxing music condition showed a significant positive correlation between AS-cognitive concerns (e.g., fear of losing control) and AS-social concerns (e.g., fear of public embarrassment) with dental anxiety. Dental clinics should be more intentional in their selection of music in the waiting room, as patients with high AS-cognitive and/or high AS-social concerns may experience a paradoxical increase in dental anxiety from music intended to be relaxing.









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