Comparative Phylogeography of Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata) and Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) on Shodoshima Island Inferred by Mitochondrial DNA Analysis


Ishizuka Shintaro1,Shibata Shohei2,Inoue Eiji1,Kawamoto Yoshi3,Watanabe Kunio2


1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Toho University, 2-2-1 Miyama, Funabashi, Chiba 274-8510, Japan

2. Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, 41-2 Kanrin, Inuyama, Aichi 484-8506, Japan

3. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University, Musashino, Tokyo 180-8602, Japan


Mammalogical Society of Japan

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