ChatGPT-4 generates orthopedic discharge documents faster than humans maintaining comparable quality: a pilot study of 6 cases


Rosenberg Guillermo Sanchez,Magnéli Martin,Barle Niklas,Kontakis Michael G,Müller Andreas Marc,Wittauer Matthias,Gordon MaxORCID,Brodén Cyrus


Background and purpose: Large language models like ChatGPT-4 have emerged. They hold the potential to reduce the administrative burden by generating everyday clinical documents, thus allowing the physician to spend more time with the patient. We aimed to assess both the quality and efficiency of discharge documents generated by ChatGPT-4 in comparison with those produced by physicians.Patients and methods: To emulate real-world situations, the health records of 6 fictional orthopedic cases were created. Discharge documents for each case were generated by a junior attending orthopedic surgeon and an advanced orthopedic resident. ChatGPT-4 was then prompted to generate the discharge documents using the same health record information. The quality assessment was performed by an expert panel (n = 15) blinded to the source of the documents. As secondary outcome, the time required to generate the documents was compared, logging the duration of the creation of the discharge documents by the physician and by ChatGPT-4.Results: Overall, both ChatGPT-4 and physician-generated notes were comparable in quality. Notably, ChatGPT-4 generated discharge documents 10 times faster than the traditional method. 4 events of hallucinations were found in the ChatGPT-4-generated content, compared with 6 events in the human/physician produced notes.Conclusion: ChatGPT-4 creates orthopedic discharge notes faster than physicians, with comparable quality. This shows it has great potential for making these documents more efficient in orthopedic care. ChatGPT-4 has the potential to significantly reduce the administrative burden on healthcare professionals.  


MJS Publishing, Medical Journals Sweden AB

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