Gritsenko S. N.,Shapoval S. D.,Filimonov R. V.
Purpose of the study. To evaluate the effectiveness of unilateral spinal anesthesia as a method of pain relief during foot surgery. Analyze the effectiveness of unilateral spinal anesthesia versus sciatic nerve block. To develop an algorithm for performing unilateral spinal anesthesia during foot surgery.
Materials and methods. We examined 64 patients who were treated in the department of purulent surgery of the 3rd city hospital in Zaporozhye with a diagnosis of diabetic foot syndrome in the period from 2017 to 2019.
Research methods. Assessment of the level of pain intensity using the standard visual analogue scale and the concentration of glucose in the blood serum. Monitoring of the parameters of the cardiovascular system, the temperature of the skin of the lower leg during anesthesia, Doppler scanning of the peripheral circulation in the foot.
Results. 4 hours after performing anesthesia, the intensity of pain during movement of the lower limb, according to the visual analogue scale in the group with unilateral spinal anesthesia was 2,3 times less than in the group with sciatic nerve block (p < 0,05). After 10 hours – in the sciatic nerve block group there was a 9,4% increase in comparison with the unilateral spinal anesthesia group (p < 0,05). Compared with the unilateral spinal anesthesia group, in the sciatic nerve block group 20 minutes after anesthesia, the heart rate decreased by 7,2% (p < 0,05). After unilateral spinal anesthesia, the level of systolic blood pressure on 1 toe of the foot increased by 18,3% 20 minutes after anesthesia, and 20 minutes after sciatic nerve block – by 13,7% (p < 0,05). In patients with the unilateral spinal anesthesia group, the temperature on the operated lower limb after anesthesia increased by 3,8%, in the sciatic nerve block group – by 2,8% (p < 0,05).
Conclusions. Regional anesthesia is the main method of choice for foot surgery compared to general anesthesia. sciatic nerve block does not in all cases lead to 100% surgical anesthesia and requires additional medical analgosedation. For foot surgery, unilateral spinal anesthesia is preferred.
Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education
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