1. State institution «V. T. Zaitsev Institute of General and Emergency Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
2. Kharkiv National Medical University
3. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Purpose of the study. The phototherapy,
platelet growth factor and coating materials in the
treatment complex using for improve the results
of wound treatment in patients with the ischemic
form of diabetic foot.
Materials and methods. The analysis of the
results of treatment of 48 patients with ischemic
forms of diabetic foot syndrome has been performed
in the work. The patients were divided into the
study and comparative groups. The patients were
treated at the clinic of the State institution «V.
T. Zaitsev Institute of General and Emergency
Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences
of Ukraine» from 2012–2018, and all patients
had II stage diabetes mellitus and IV degree of
ischemia by Fontaine. Patients in both groups
performed open and hybrid reconstructions. In
the patients of the study group, the developed
treatment technology was applied, containing
phototherapy and photodynamic therapy with a
range of: λ 470, 525 or 405 nm in the preoperative
period, closure with synthetic coating with
application plasma enriched of transforming
growth factor.
The implementation of the developed tactics
allowed to achieve complete wound healing in
91,7% of patients, partial healing – in 8,3% of patients.
The terms treatment terms for these patients did
not exceed 2 months, high amputation was not
Conclusions. Plastic closure of the wounds of the lower extremities after revascularization operations
in an ischemic diabetic foot syndrome is indicated
in cases where wounds do not tend to spontaneous
healing. The use of a treatment complex consisting
of phototherapy and photodynamic therapy,
the closure of wounds with a synthetic coating
of transforming growth factor is the effective
stimulator of development of granulation tissue in
the wound, suitable for further autodermoplasty.
Keywords: foot ischemic diabetic syndrome,
dermoplasty, synthetic coatings, photodynamic
therapy, platelet growth factor.
Zaporizhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education