Characteristics of Primary Morbidity in the Population of the Far Eastern Federal District (Retrospective Analysis)


Shumatov Valentin B.ORCID,Trankovskaya Lidia V.ORCID,Gritsina Olga P.ORCID,Yatsenko Anna K.ORCID


Background. The peculiarities of the economic and geographical position of the Far Eastern Federal District determine climatic, socio-biological and medical and organizational characteristics that affect the leading criteria for population health. A relevant and priority direction for the development of the macro-region is the study of the main indicators of population health, reflecting the organizational and economic potential of the region, as well as the preservation and promotion of public health based on the formation of a healthy lifestyle and increasing the availability and quality of medical care. Aims — study and analyse the primary morbidity of the adult population in the Far Eastern Federal District. Methods. A retrospective analytical study was carried out. An analysis of the dynamics of primary morbidity by rate of increase (decrease) and a comparative analysis of average annual primary morbidity, including major classes of diseases diagnosed for the first time in life, in the adult population in the macro-region as a whole and in its 11 constituent entities is given. I–IV, VI–XIV, XVII, XIX classes of diseases were taken into account according to the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision. Results. The Far Eastern Federal District ranked 5th in descending order by primary morbidity among other Russian macroregions throughout the study period. There was variability in the primary morbidity ranking among the constituent entities of the district. The dynamics of primary morbidity showed a moderate upward trend in 2017, followed by two years of stable trend, and in 2020 there was a moderate downward trend. The prevalence of disease in patients diagnosed for the first time in the population of the other federal districts of the country was characterised by individual variability. At the same time, in most macro-regions a moderate to pronounced decrease in primary morbidity was found in 2020 (rate of increase (decrease) morbidity: from –2.3 to –7.2%), except for the Central Federal District (rate of increase (decrease) morbidity: –0.1%) and the Urals Federal District (rate of increase (decrease) morbidity: –0.2%), where this indicator remained stable. Conclusions. In the Far Eastern Federal District, characteristic variability in the level, dynamics and structure of primary morbidity among the population has been identified. A general pattern with all-Russian indicators was revealed, consisting in a decrease in incidence in most classes of diseases in 2020, except for X Respiratory disease, in which stability remained. The revealed features of the rank distribution of primary morbidity by classes of diseases in the subjects of the district will make it possible to be based on the principle of targeted distribution of funds when planning the volume of medical care to the population.


Paediatrician Publishers LLC

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