Influence of Migration on the Situation with Syphilis in the Russian Federation


Rakhmatulina Margarita R.ORCID,Novoselova Elena Yu.ORCID,Melekhina Lidia E.ORCID,Kubanov Alexey A.ORCID


Syphilis is a socially significant disease, and the relevance of monitoring its incidence rates remains constant. The spread and level of syphilis morbidity in the Russian Federation is strongly influenced by migration processes. Over the last 7 years the migration flow in the country has increased by 17.5% and the number of migrant workers, them has increased 3 times. It is contingent of people, that being a “vulnerable group”, and most off all exposed to risky sexual behavior and STI infection. In 2021 and 2022 there was a significant increase in the incidence of syphilis in the Russian Federation, compared to 2020 — by 69.7%. The increase in the incidence of syphilis is largely due to the growth of this indicator among foreign citizens (from 2801 cases in 2020 to 12 748 cases in 2022). The proportion of registered cases of syphilis among foreign citizens in 2022 was 45.9% of all detected cases, while 80% of syphilis patients were citizens of one of 3 countries — Kyrgyz Republic (30%), Republic of Uzbekistan (27%), Republic of Tajikistan (23%). In the structure of clinical forms of syphilis detected in foreign citizens 98% are hidden and unspecified forms of the disease, only 13% of migrants with syphilis were treated and 87% have no information about the fact of treatment. Thus, latent forms of the disease and low percentage of treated foreign citizens with diagnosed syphilis have a negative impact on the epidemiological situation of syphilis incidence. These facts testify to the formation of risks of epidemiological danger of syphilis among foreigners entering the territory of the country, which poses a direct threat to biological security of the Russian Federation and requires the development of a set of measures to prevent the spread of the disease.


Paediatrician Publishers LLC

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