Trends in Morbidity and Hospital Lethality from Neoplasms before and during the New Coronavirus Infection COVID-19


Starodubov Vladimir I.ORCID,Stupak Valerij S.ORCID,Manoshkina Elena M.ORCID,Son Irina M.ORCID


Background. Taking into account the special medical and social significance of oncological diseases, as well as taking into account that patients suffering from neoplasms are a special risk group for developing complications of coronavirus infection, it seems relevant to study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the level of morbidity and hospital lethality of patients with neoplasms. Aims to study the trends of morbidity and hospital lethality due to neoplasms in the Russian Federation before and during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Methods. The indicators of primary and general morbidity, hospital lethality from neoplasms of the adult population were calculated on the basis of federal statistical observation data contained in reporting forms No. 12 and No. 14 of all subjects of the Russian Federation for 20152020. Results. During the period from 2015 to 2019, an increase in the general (by 14.8%) and primary (by 4.8%) incidence of neoplasms was noted in the Russian Federation. In 2020, compared with 2019, on the contrary, the indicators of general (by 5.0%) and primary (by 17.4%) incidence of neoplasms decreased. Hospital lethality due to neoplasms also increased during 20152019, in total it increased by 19.2%, in one year (2020) hospital lethality increased by 6.6%. A similar situation has developed in all federal districts and most regions of the country. Conclusions. The decline in the incidence of neoplasms in 2020, with their previous continuous growth, reflects the difficult situation that has developed during the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection in the healthcare of the Russian Federation. The increase in hospital lethality from neoplasms indicates a more severe course of coronavirus infection in adult patients with malignant neoplasms and a more frequent development of fatal complications in them.


Paediatrician Publishers LLC


General Medicine

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