Comparative Characteristics of Tobacco Smoking among Rural Adolescents Aged 15–17 in the Russian Federation in 2001–2002 and 2016–2017


Scvortsova Elena S.ORCID,Lushkina Nina P.ORCID


Rationale. Tobacco smoking remains a serious health risk factor both in the world and in Russia. Special attention is paid to the protection of young generations from exposure to smoking and the harmful effects of tobacco. The purpose of the study based on a comparative analysis of the dynamics of tobacco smoking among rural adolescents in 2001-2017, to assess the changes that have occurred and justify proposals to reduce smoking among minors. Materials and methods. A sample of adolescents in each subject of the Russian Federation was formed by multi-stage selection: typological, random and continuous examination. In 20012002, 16 743 rural teenagers (7468 boys and 9275 girls) were interviewed, in 20162017 18 222 teenagers (8208 boys and 10 014 girls). Statistical development of materials was carried out using the computer program Risk Factors (AnkProc). Results. During the period from 20012002 to 20162017, the prevalence of smoking among boys decreased by 2.7 times, and among girls by 3 times. The number of boys who smoked remained higher than the number of girls who smoked (by 2 times). The proportion of teenagers who smoked based on the emerging addiction (like, out of habit, I cant quit) I grew up among both boys and girls. During the period under review, the predominant motive of the first smoking test, both boys and girls, remained curiosity. The age interval of initiation to tobacco smoking has not changed either (from 10 years to 17 years inclusive). The peak of initiation to smoking in 20012002, and in 20162001 boys accounted for up to 10 years inclusive, and among girls for 1314 years. In 20162017, hookah smoking became popular among rural teenagers. The prevalence rates of hookah smoking were 13.5 per 100 boys and 10.3 per 100 girls. 55.7% of boys and 44.9% of girls smoked hookah with tobacco. Hookah smoking was primarily addressed by teenagers who did not smoke (62.0% of boys and 76.0% of girls). Among hookah smokers, 34.3% of boys and 21.2% of girls smoked tobacco products weekly. Conclusion. A comparative analysis showed a significant decrease in the prevalence of smoking among rural adolescent schoolchildren in the Russian Federation.


Paediatrician Publishers LLC


General Medicine

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