From Molecule to Drug. Pharmaceutical Logistics Approach


Petrov Vladimir I.ORCID,Tyurenkov Ivan N.ORCID,Kurkin Denis V.ORCID


The development of original drugs is a complex, time-consuming, labor-intensive, costly, and risky process. The pharmaceutical industry is a critically important area of technological sovereignty of the country. Effective functioning of the drug supply system is impossible without original drug development process, which provide the foundation for progressive evolution of a number of branches of the socio-economic sector of the countrys economy. Domestic pharmacology faces several unresolved problems, many of which must be viewed through the prism of pharmacological disciplines, primarily theoretical and clinical pharmacology, and considering the evolution of approaches used in them. Pharmacology is a system of thought for pharmacologists and experts in drug development, aiming not only to improve the quality and quantity of drugs created, but also to accelerate this process. This article describes the essence of the pharmacological approach, briefly describing the main stages of the development of an original drug from the idea to research conducted, after the widespread introduction of the drug into clinical practice. At the end of the article the authors presented the successful experience of pharmacological approach application by pharmacologists of Volgograd State Medical University on the example of the development of an original drug for the treatment of diabetes mellitus and its complications.


Paediatrician Publishers LLC


General Medicine

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