Współczesna szkoła wobec dylematów codzienności – oblicza wsparcia dla samodzielności i rozwoju


Mosiek Piotr1ORCID


1. Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna w Lesznie


Contemporary Polish school, subjects to constant reforms, faces the difficult task of preparing students to function in a dynamically changing reality. Apart from tasks in the field of education and care, it seems to be of key importance to fulfil the pro-employment function. The changing labour market entails a change of strategy to support students. It must additionally be focused on building internal relations and community and on cooperation of the school with various institutions of the local environment (poviat labour office, social welfare centre, health service, church, non-governmental organisations, etc.). On the other hand, school cannot remain indifferent to the difficult life situations of its students. Hence, a school serving to optimise human opportunities should be at the same time a school that minimises critical life situations and their effects through its pro-employment and supporting activities. Such a sociopedagogical model of the functioning of contemporary school meets the axiological, social and educational challenges of today’s society, in which the attempts at regulating human existence find support in careful upbringing. The article takes a sociopedagogical stand, in which strong emphasis is placed on social support for students (pro-social activity of the institution) treating concepts of altruism and recognition as crucial to new pedagogical tasks.


University of Warsaw

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