Alternatywa pedagogiczna w teorii wychowania estetycznego Ireny Wojnar


Milczarek-Pankowska Krystyna1ORCID


1. Uniwersytet Warszawski


The aim of the article is to present the pedagogical thought of Irena Wojnar, the creator of the theory of aesthetic education, which was a specific pedagogical alternative of the second half of the 20th century. From the 1970s onwards Wojnar started to propose art as an educational tool, and in this way she opposed to the “traditional” approach to education. She claimed that education should be identified with a conscious process of self-development. She believed that apart from acquiring knowledge, it is important to develop such human dispositions as imagination, sensitivity, empathy, creativity, the activation of which contributes to the integrated growth of human personality. Wojnar pointed out that art should be treated as a remedy for the technicalised, conformist and inhuman civilisation, art should be treated as a model of human functioning in the world. Wojnar postulated a new, humanistic dimension of education, in which there is a space for upbringing leading to creative, responsible humanity. The article presents the main assumptions of the theory and ideas of aesthetic self-knowledge in the context of understanding the world and caring for its future. The paper also discusses activities aimed at the application of the theory of aesthetic education in educational practice during long-term courses for teachers. The paper is based on biographical research, analysis of source materials and the author’s own memories related to Professor Irena Wojnar.


University of Warsaw


General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference16 articles.

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