Od pedagogiki europeizacji do andragogiki srebrnych treści cyfrowych: studium autobiograficzne i internetoznawcze


Toczyski Piotr1ORCID


1. Uniwersytet Warszawski


Acording to the Kolb cycle, this autobiographical text is a macro-reflection on the way I experienced contact with Professor Andrzej Jaczewski for decades, especially at two stages of my life: first in scouting (as a 10-year-old) and then in the academic world (after the age of 30). In the first part, I reconstruct a set of factors including early aesthetic inspirations provided by him, which led me to my doctorate on the Europeanisation of Western culture. This path is accompanied by the universal Wagnerian aesthetics and spirituality, which scrolls in the background, once in a while becoming an important figure. In these 30 years of contact with Andrzej Jaczewski, Wagnerism expressed a great emotional and symbolic charge, also as an occasional subject of a joint internet action research project. Presented in the second part of the paper, the study is primarily focused on the first five years of this eight-year postdoctoral action research, inspired by the pedagogy of Janusz Korczak, conducted around silver digital content published systematically as half a thousand blog articles. Despite showing Korczak’s inspiration, I have adopted here, above all, the convention typical of contemporary academic auditing culture, focused on describing social impact and presenting its quantitative indicators.


University of Warsaw

Reference55 articles.

1. Bender, P. (1995). Niemcy – potrzebni i budzący strach. Polis. Pismo o Sztuce Życia Publicznego, nr 10, 3–8.

2. Bröcher, A. (1987). Erlebnisse einer sommerlichen Polenreise Behinderte und Nichtbehinderte auf einer erew-Rundreise nach Warschau vom 19.08. bis 30.08.1986. W: K. Fitting, K.-J. Kluge (red.), Brücken zueinander. Europa in integrativen Jugendseminaren (s. 195–208). Bonn: Reha-Verlag.

3. Broecher, J., Toczyski, P. (2021). Europäische Lernräume: Der pädagogische Austausch zwischen Polen und Deutschland zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges. W: J. Broecher, Anders lernen, arbeiten und leben. Für eine Transformation von Pädagogik und Gesellschaft. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

4. Filiciak, M., Toczyski, P. (2012). Korczak: aktualizacja. Dwutygodnik.com. Strona kultury, nr 95. Pobrane z https://www.dwutygodnik.com/artykul/4088-korczak-aktualizacja.html

5. Furedi, F. (2006). Where have all the intellectuals gone? Confronting 21st century philistinism. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.








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