Kompetencje moralne nauczycieli – prolegomena


Zając Dariusz1ORCID


1. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy


The presented analysis focuses on the moral dimension of the teaching profession, which encompasses the moral competence of its representatives. This dimension determines, at least to some extent, the quality of services rendered by teachers to other people as part of their professional activity. Thus, the research and analyses undertaken with regard to this area of scientific exploration are of importance for the discipline of educational research. The aim of the paper is an attempt at making an introduction to the manners of understanding the term: teacher’s moral competences. Such competences can be placed among a number of competencies a teacher should display. The article was prepared based on an analysis of the literature dealing with the subject of the research. The analysis was used to explicate the category, which, similarly to the category of competencies as such, has turned out to be defined in an ambiguous way. The researchers of the issue of teachers’ moral competences have ascribed various meanings and scope to this term, and have differed in indicating its significance and importance for the professional activity undertaken. This is conducive neither to an attempt at developing a clear definition of this term nor to defining its constituent elements more precisely. The analysis of this category implies the need for paying closer attention to teachers’ moral competences, both in the theoretical and practical contexts, and to conduct intensified research on these competences, enriching thereby the scientific achievements made so far in the field referring to the moral dimension of the work performed by the representatives of this social and professional category, i.e., teachers.


University of Warsaw

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