Nauki biologiczne i medyczne w kształceniu pedagogów w koncepcji całościowej opieki nad uczniem. Praca poświęcona działalności Profesora Andrzeja Jaczewskiego


Kowalewska Anna1ORCID


1. Uniwersytet Warszawski


This paper presents the scientific and educational activities of Professor Andrzej Jaczewski in the field of training pedagogues in the biological and medical foundations of development and upbringing. These activities were an important part of the concept of comprehensive student care advocated by Professor Jaczewski. His scouting experience, his work as a doctor, a secondary school teacher, or a research and didactic staff member at the Medical Academy and the Institute of Mother and Child at the University of Warsaw, as well as his cooperation with other research and teaching centres in Poland and abroad, played an important role in shaping his views on the training of pedagogues in medical issues. The paper presents the process of implementation and realisation of the subject “Biomedical foundations of development and upbringing” at pedagogical faculties in Poland with particular emphasis on the role of Professor Andrzej Jaczewski in this process. The article discusses activities concerning education in medical issues of the local and nationwide range carried out at the Faculty of Education of the University of Warsaw. Finally, Prof. Jaczewski’s suggestions and dreams concerning the future of the subject “Biomedical foundations of development and upbringing” in the education of pedagogues are referred to.


University of Warsaw

Reference23 articles.

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