1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny (“Education Research Quarterly”) has been published by the University of Warsaw since 1956. The journal was established by Prof. Bogdan Suchodolski, who also became its first editor-in-chief. In 1970, the duties were taken over by Prof. Łukasz Kurdybacha, and in 1974 by Prof. Wincenty Okoń. In the years 1985–1992 the journal was led by Prof. Czesław Kupisiewicz, in 1992–2012 by Prof. Andrea Folkierska, in 2012–2013 by Prof. Mirosław S. Szymański, and in 2013–2021 by Prof. Adam Fijałkowski. Currently, Prof. Joanna Madalińska-Michalak is the journal’s editor-in-chief. Since the very beginning, the journal has published the latest research results and articles presenting different approaches to pedagogical and educational issues in Poland, and in the world. They are published in the “Articles”, “Colloquia” and “Research Materials and Reports” sections. The journal publishes review articles and texts in foreign languages as well. The authors of the texts are scientists from various fields of research: educators, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, creators of culture, social activists, as well as young adepts of science – graduates of pedagogical faculties and doctoral students. This article presents an outline of the history of the journal in the years 1956–2021. The basis for the preparation of the text was an analysis of the content of the journal published over the course of 65 years, and the literature on the subject. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny is one of the leading Polish scientific journals. For 65 years, it has been a journal of the Warsaw pedagogical community, which involved Polish and foreign authors representing different views on pedagogical issues, who understand the need for interdisciplinarity and research openness. The history of the journal is worth undertaking more extensive research and preparing a monograph.
Reference29 articles.
1. Bartnicka, K. (2004). Łukasz Kurdybacha – twórca Pracowni Dziejów Oświaty (1907–1972), W: J. Schiller, L. Zasztowt (red.). Instytut Historii Nauki Polskiej Akademii Nauk w latach 1953–2003. Księga Jubileuszowa (s. 109–149). Warszawa: Instytut Historii Nauki PAN, Retro-Art.
2. 10-letni spis treści nr 1–1956–4(38)–1965 [„Kwartalnika Pedagogicznego”], (1966). Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny.
3. Fijałkowski, A. (2016). 60 lat „Kwartalnika Pedagogicznego”. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 2, 9–15.
4. Godoń, R. (2016). Uniwersytet dzisiaj: wyzwania dla szkolnictwa wyższego. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 3, 7–8.
5. Kamińska, J. (2004). Dzieje Wydziału Pedagogicznego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Zarys. W: J. Kamińska (red.). Wydział Pedagogiczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Jubileusz pięćdziesięciolecia (s. 7–48). Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.