1. Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
This article substantiates the relevance of the historical dictionary of words borrowed from the Polish language, describes the principles of its construction, the structure of the dictionary articles. The main purpose of the dictionary is to collectively present the Polonisms that functioned in the northern Ukrainian records of the XVI–XVII centuries as well as to indicate origins, semantics, chronology, territory, etc. The register of lexicographical work will include Polonisms found in the records of the XVI–XVII centuries. Borrowed words will be selected from the etymological source, etymon will be added to them, each lexical meaning will be illustrated, the location and time of writing the record will be indicated. If necessary, the words will be given a broader commentary on the semantics, phonetic or grammatical design, etc. Today, its file contains about 800 words of Polish origin, found in various texts of the XVI–XVII centuries in northern Ukrainian area (acts of city, sub-chamber and district governments in Volodymyr-Volynskyi, Lutsk, Zhytomyr, Ovruch, Kyiv, diplomas, universals both public and private; texts of various genres: fiction, polemical, confessional literature). In the publication we substantiate that before borrowing there must be an indication of the source of information (relevant etymological dictionaries or other work), because, firstly, it confirms the origin of foreign words, and secondly, from an ethical point of view, researchers often do not trace history of a foreign word, and on the basis of existing studies of etymologists, respectively, there should be a vocation, and thirdly, a number of tokens in Ukrainian linguistics do not have an unambiguous interpretation, so the researcher of borrowings thus illustrates whose views he adheres or has his own opinion.
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