1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
The author, starting with the assumption that the social and environmental conditions for sustainable labelling must be looked at from three different angles, i.e. from the viewpoint of consumer interests, entrepreneurs’ interests and public interest, presents the regulation on nutrition labels and eco-labelling of food. He undertakes an assessment of the existing solutions in relation to their impact on food consumption patterns and achievement of the sustainable development goals. The author concludes that sustainable labelling is involved only when both the scope of information provided and the manner of its presentation enable consumers to make well-informed decisions, taking into account environmental, health, social and ethical issues. He negatively assesses the existing regulation on the subject. At the same time, the author views the planned legislative changes positively and emphasizes the importance of self-regulation of entrepreneurs and the public administration bodies’ supervision of food labelling.
General Medicine,Materials Chemistry,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Materials Science,General Medicine,General Medicine,Aerospace Engineering,General Medicine
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