1. University of Sibiu, Romania
2. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Archaeology
At Akrai in southeastern Sicily, the University of Warsaw excavations have unearthed a huge quantity of small, wheel-made, beige-slipped lamps belonging to the Roman Republican type Ricci C. The most important conclusions from the research concern the functionality of these lamps, both as devices used for lighting in everyday life and as unused elements of votive deposits, as well as their enduring presence in southeastern Sicily when they had all but disappeared elsewhere in the Roman world. The type is a derivative of an old form and peaked in popularity in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. The last examples of this type seem to have been produced in the reign of Augustus.
Reference27 articles.
1. Diodorus Siculus, Library of history XI. Fragments of Books 21–32 (F.R. Walton, trans.) (=Loeb Classical Library 409). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1957
2. Itineraria Antonini Augusti et Burdigalense (O. Cuntz, ed.) (=Itineraria Romana 1). Stuttgart: Teubner, 1990 (reprint of the 1929 edition)
3. Livy, History of Rome VI. Books 23–25 (F.G. Moore, trans.) (=Loeb Classical Library 355). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1940
4. Pliny the Elder, Natural history II. Books 3–7 (H. Rackham, trans.) (=Loeb Classical Library 352). Cambridge–London: Harvard University Press, 1942
5. Claudius Ptolemy, The geography (E.L. Stevenson, trans. and ed.). New York: Dover Publications, 1991 (reprint of the 1932 edition)