1. Allen-Collinson Jacquelyn 2017 Injured, pained and disrupted bodies [w:] Routledge Handbook of Physical Cultural Studies, eds. Michael L. Silk, David L. Andrews, Holly Thorpe, London: Routledge.
2. Allen-Collinson Jacquelyn, Hockey John 2005 Autoethnography: self-indulgence or rigorous methodology? [w:] Philosophy and the Sciences of Exercise, Health and Sport: Critical Perspectives on Research Methods, ed. Mike McNamee, London: Routledge, s. 187-202.
3. Allen-Collinson Jacquelyn, Hockey John 2006 Seeing the way: visual sociology and the distance runner's perspective, "Visual Studies. Journal of the International Visual Sociology Association", No. 21, s. 70-81.
4. Allen-Collinson Jacquelyn, Hockey John 2016 Digging in: The sociological phenomenology of 'doing endurance' in distance running [w:] Endurance Running: A Socio-Cultural Examination, eds. William Bridel, Pirkko Markula, Jim Denison, London: Routledge, s. 227-242.
5. Allen-Collinson Jacquelyn, Hockey John 2017 Running a temperature: sociological-phenomenological perspectives on distance running, thermoception and 'temperature work' [w:] Seeking the Senses in Physical Cultures: Sensual Scholarship in Action, ed. Andrew C. Sparkes, London: Routledge, s. 42-62.