1. Anderson A.J., Berdan F.F., Lockhart J., Beyond the Codices: The Nahua View of Colonial Mexico, University of California Press, Berkeley-Los Angeles-London 1976.
2. Andrews R.J., Introduction to Classical Nahuatl, University of Texas Press, Austin 1975.
3. Bankmann U., Manuscripta Americana der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, [w:] Verhandlungen des XXXVIII. Internationalen Amerikanistenkongresses: Stuttgart-München, 12. bis 18. August 1968, t. 2, Klaus Renner Verlag, München 1970, s. 127-138.
4. Barlow R., The Extent of the Empire of the Culhua Mexica, University of California Press, Berkeley 1949.
5. Benavente Motolinia T. de, Memoriales. Libro de Oro, MS JGI 31, red. N.J. Dyer, Colegio de México, México 1996.