1. Adams, Jefferson, Historical Dictionary of German Intelligence, Scarecrow Press, Lanham, Maryland, 2009.
2. Akt z roku 1834 przeciw Adamowi Czartoryskiemu wyobrazicielowi systemu Polskiej Arystokracyi, printed by F.-A. Saurin, Poitiers, 1839.
3. Almanach du Commerce de Paris, des départemens de la France et des principales villes du monde, ed. Seb. Bottin, Bureau de l'Almanach du Commerce, Paris, 1833.
4. Al-Tahtawi, Rifa'a Rafi', ed. Daniel Newman, An Imam in Paris. Account of a Stay in France by an Egyptian Cleric (1826-1831), Saqi Books, London, 2011.
5. Altick, Richard, The Shows of London, The Belknap Press, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, 1978.