1. [1] CMS Collaboration, "The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC", JINST 3 (2008) S08004. Also published by CERN Geneva in 2010.
2. [2] CMS Collaboration, CMS: The Compact Muon Solenoid: Letter of intent for a general purpose detector at the LHC. No. CERN-LHCC-92-03, CERN-LHCC-I-1. CERN, Geneva, 1992.
3. [3] M. Konecki, "Badanie systemu wyzwalania detektora CMS przy Large Hadron Collider", Master's thesis, University of Warsaw, 1992.
4. [4] M. Konecki, J. Królikowski, and G. Wrochna, "SIMULATION STUDY of the RPC BASED, SINGLE MUON TRIGGER for CMS", CMS technical note CMS-TN-1992-039, CERN, Geneva, 1992.
5. [5] M. Konecki, J. Królikowski, and G. Wrochna, "Parametrisation functions of the RPC based muon trigger", CMS technical note CMS-TN-1996-104, CERN, Geneva, 1996.