Oxazolines prepared from sphingoids
or analogues and imidic esters were obtained as
mixtures in which the isomer with heterocyclic oxygen derived from O1
of the parent sphingoid predominated in the case of
erythro sphingoids, and that with original O3
in the case of threo
sphingoids. The separated dry oxazolines
were stable at 0� but isomerized in alcohol, ether or chloroform solution.Hydrolysis of the oxazolines in acid gave the salts of the expected O-acyl compounds or the free O-acyl compounds at pH 5-6, while N-acyl compounds were formed at pH 8;
these transformations occurred without change of configuration except for some
inversion of oxazolines containing the original O3
of erythro sphingenine. O-Acyl compounds changed into N-acyl
isomers in neutral or alkaline media, but the conversion of N-acyl compounds into O-acyl isomers occurred in traces only.
Oxazolines could not be detected as intermediates in the transacylation of O-
or N-acyl sphingoids.� Changes of aged ceramide solutions are
ascribed to photooxidation rather than transacylation.
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2 articles.