1. Corwin, R.F., and Hoover, D.B., 1979, The self potential method in geothermal exploration: Geophysics 44, 226–245.
2. Barton, C.E., 1997, An Aeromagnetic Risk Map of Australia, in Transient and Induced Variations in Aeromagnetics compiled by P.R. Milligan and C.E. Barton: AGSO Record 1997/27.
3. Chamalaun, F.H., and Barton, C.E., 1992, The AWAGS experiment, Geomagnetism Note 1992–23, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra.
4. Welsh, W.D., and Barton, C.E., 1996, The Australia-Wide Array of Geomagnetic Stations (AWAGS): data corrections: AGSO Record 1996/54, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra.
5. NAA, 1940–41, National Archives of Australia file: Series MP1049/5, Item 1924/4/597: This file contains, signals, memoranda and reports concerning early degaussing experiments in Sydney and the development of the open proving range adjacent to Shark Island between June 1940 and August 1941.