The growth and seed yield of 5 vetch (Vicia) cultivars representing Vicia sativa, V. benghalensis and V. villosa were compared at 8 sites over 2 years in south-western Australia. The vetches showed considerable potential as grain and forage legume crops in the low to medium rainfall areas of the Western Australian cereal belt. Cultivars of V. sativa showed the most potential in terms of dry matter and seed yield, and on average across sites and seasons both Languedoc and Blanchefleur produced over 2.5 t/ha of dry matter at flowering: Machine-harvested seed yields were over 1.6 t/ha. Cultivars of V. benghalensis and V. villosa produced considerably less dry matter at flowering and had lower harvest index (0.14-0.42) and seed yield < 4 t/ha) when compared with the V. sativa cultivars, possibly due to their poor growth rates and delayed phenology. Early Purple, an early flowering and maturing selection from the V. benghalensis cultivar Popany, showed improved adaptation and seed yield at many low rainfall sites. Nevertheless, Languedoc, Blanchefleur and Early Popany are all considered late flowering (up to 126 days) compared with grain legumes adapted to this environment, and further improvement in vetch species could be achieved by selecting for more rapid development. Both soft-seededness and non-shattering pods should also be high priorities for vetch selection and/or breeding programs. It is concluded that vetch species may have a role in farming systems in Western Australia for the production of fodder, hay, grain or green manure while providing the other rotational benefits of legumes on fine-textured neutral to alkaline and shallow duplex soils where narrow-leafed lupin is poorly adapted.
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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26 articles.