Data have been obtained
relevant to the mechanism of formation of nitrite, oxygen and peroxynitrite by
the photolysis of aqueous sodium nitrate solutions. In alkaline solutions, the
origin of O2 as determined by the use of 18O-enriched
water, and the lowering of nitrite yields by various solutes, are consistent
with the dissociative process �������������� ����������������������������� (NO3-)*→
NO2-+Orather than with ����������������������������� (NO3-)*→
The effect of these solutes
is attributed to reduction of (NO3-)*. It is proposed
that peroxynitrite (OONO-) is formed by intramolecular rearrangement
of the pyramidal (NO3-)* in the 3ππ
state. Peroxynitrite is not a precursor to NO2-. The
quantum yield depends on both wavelength and temperature, and the apparent
energy of activation decreases with decreasing wavelength. These results are
interpreted in terms of the different reactivities of (NO3-)*
produced in the nπ* and the ππ*
absorption bands. ��� Low initial yields at low pH can be
explained by protonation of (NO3-)* followed by
(HOONO)*→ OH+NO2and ���������������������������������� OH+NO2→
The self-inhibition process
evident in acidic conditions is consistent with the formation of NO3
(from NO2 and O) which re-oxidizes NO2-. Sharp yield
increases on the addition of some reagents are due to scavenging of the OH
intermediate in the (HOONO)* → NO3- reversion.
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38 articles.