Donaghy D. J.,Scott J. M.,Fulkerson W. J.
Summary. The present study investigated, in a
subtropical environment, the timing of defoliation treatments in spring and
summer irrigation management on the survival of perennial
(Lolium perenne cv. Yatsyn) and biennial
(L. multiflorum cv. Noble) ryegrass in a mixed
ryegrass–white clover (Trifolium repens) pasture
over the first summer, and seedling recruitment the following autumn.
Defoliation options were related to various ryegrass plant development stages
such as the number of leaves per tiller attained during regrowth, stem
elongation and seed set. The criterion for timing of frequent defoliation was
1 leaf/tiller regrowth and infrequent defoliation 3 leaves/tiller.
Both pasture types were defoliated either frequently or infrequently at
specific times from sowing to mid summer. Half the plots were irrigated from
30 November to 6 April while the remaining plots were not irrigated over this
There was no survival of biennial ryegrass plants into autumn of the second
year and pasture production was entirely from seedling recruitment of seed set
in the previous spring. The maximum seedling recruitment (plant population
89% of spring in establishment year) was achieved by infrequent
defoliation in mid spring and then cessation of defoliation until mid summer
to allow plants to set seed. However, this resulted in a production loss of
3094 kg dry matter/ha of ryegrass and clover. In contrast, production of
perennial ryegrass in the second year was reliant almost exclusively on
individual ryegrass plants surviving the summer, as there was little seed set
and virtually no seedling recruitment.
There would appear to be 2 contrasting defoliation requirements to optimise
perennial ryegrass persistence. Infrequent defoliation from sowing to early
spring (22 March–2 September) and frequent defoliation in early summer
(19 November–3 February) resulted in maximum plant survival and minimum
tropical grass incursion. Frequent, compared with infrequent, defoliation up
to 2 September decreased root dry matter in February by 45% to 1.66 g
dry matter/plant. However in early summer, frequent defoliation maximised
survival, presumably by reducing shading by tropical grasses, and preventing a
closed canopy which encourages ‘rust’ infestation of the ryegrass.
Irrigation of ryegrass over summer, in situations likely to become
waterlogged, will only be of benefit in dry years and if scheduling is
frequent enough to benefit ryegrass rather than tropical grass.
These results highlight the importance of maintaining an infrequent
defoliation interval to maximise persistence of perennial ryegrass in the
subtropics. More frequent defoliation may be necessary in late
spring/early summer to reduce the impact of leaf rust.
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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12 articles.