The reactions of 18 metals
with molten sodium-potassium bisulfate eutectic were studied. Results obtained
isothermally at 200�C indicated that Al, V and Au did not react with the melt;
Na, Mg, Mn and Zn reacted to produce H2; Co, Ni, Cu, Ag, Sn, Hg and Pb produced SO2
and H2O; while Ti, Cr, Fe and Cd produced
H2, H2O and SO2. Reactions in general were
slow and, due to formation of a protective coating on the surface, metals
reacted only partly, with the exception of Na, Cu, Ag and Zn which reacted and
dissolved in the melt completely. Due to partial reactions mostly qualitative
or semi-quantitative results were obtained and possible reaction
stoichiometries have been suggested.
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11 articles.