Short Jeff,Richards J. D.,Turner Bruce
Population structure, reproduction, condition, movements and habitat
preference were assessed for western barred bandicoots
(Perameles bougainville) on Dorre and Bernier Islands
over seven trapping sessions between 1988 and 1995. Data comes from 372
captures of bandicoots in 2535 trap-nights (an average of 14·7 captures
per 100 trap-nights). Trap success was 5.7–25.8% on Dorre and
5.7–7.6% on Bernier. Recaptures within a trip made up 29%
of bandicoot captures. The overall sex ratio (excluding recaptures) was skewed
heavily towards males at 1.7: 1 for trapped animals, but varied between male
and female dominance at any time according to reproductive status of females.
Sex ratio of pouch young was 1.2: 1. Production of young was concentrated in
the wetter winter months. The smallest western barred bandicoot with pouch
young weighed 175 g. Bandicoots showed a pattern of increasing litter size
with size of mother. Females with young had an average litter size of 1.8,
with young reaching independence at about 100 g body weight. Large testes size
relative to body size in males suggested a promiscuous mating system. Body
condition could be predicted by sex (females were typically in better
condition than males) and by rainfall over the previous 2 months. Some sexual
dimorphism was evident, with females having longer heads and typically being
heavier than males. There was no detected dimorphism between island
populations. Movements of bandicoots appeared limited, with the median
distance moved by animals captured more than once within a 9–11-day
trapping session being 154 m. There was no significant difference in movements
between the sexes, with males moving a median distance of 160 m and females
138 m within trapping sessions. The greatest movement by a male was 1020 m
while the greatest distance moved by a female was 490 m. Only 13% of
recorded movements were greater than 400 m. Home ranges overlapped, with
51% of traps catching more than one individual and as many as five
males being caught at the same trap site. Bandicoots were widely dispersed
through all habitats surveyed. Bandicoots appeared to suffer a substantial
reduction in numbers on Dorre Island in a prolonged drought extending from
October 1986 to April 1989, reducing overall trap success to less than
6% in the 1988 survey.
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
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20 articles.