Alvaro Ruben E.,Robertson May,Al-Saedi Saad,Lemke Robert P.,Cates Don B.,Rigatto Henrique
Previous studies have revealed a placental extract that inhibits breathing in
fetal sheep. In the present study of 29 chronically instrumented sheep at
132±1 days of gestation, infusion of the 1-10 kDa extract inhibited
breathing in 76% of the experiments whereas Krebs’ solution
inhibited it in 24%. It retained this activity after 6 months of
freezing, after lyophilization, and upon lowering the pH during purication
from 8·0 to 4·0, but it inhibited breathing in only 35%
when the pH was lowered to 2·0. A signicant dose-dependent effect was
observed from a 16-fold dilution to a 4-fold concentration. Treatment of the
extract with proteinase K or boiling reduced the activity to 30% or
26% inhibition, respectively. The activity was not adsorbed to an
ion-exchange column at pH 7·0 or 8· 0, but it was at pH
9· 0 and it eluted with increasing NaCl concentrations. On a
polyacrylamide gel the activity was eluted at a
Kav of 0· 66 (82%
inhibition), corresponding to between 2·5 and 4·5 kDa. These
ndings suggest that a peptide produced by the placenta, with a molecular mass
between 2· 5 and 4·5 kDa, inhibits fetal breathing.
Developmental Biology,Endocrinology,Genetics,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Reproductive Medicine,Biotechnology
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10 articles.