This study set out to establish concentrations of ethephon sprays that could reliably thin alternate cropping orange trees in a heavy set year to improve fruit quality for fresh marketing. An optimum concentration of ethephon as a thinning agent was identified for the practical control of alternate cropping in Late Valencia oranges. A single, high volume spray of ethephon (as Ethrel, 42-60 mL/100 L water), applied in a heavy-set year at 6-8 weeks post bloom when fruitlet size was 10-15 mm diameter, induced a 15-20% reduction in fruit number. This resulted in significantly improved fruit size and marketable outturn with negligible yield penalty. In the 2 successive harvests following spray treatment, the cropping pattern remained uniform and a 14% improvement in packout (marketable fruit size <100 counts per carton) was maintained. Internal fruit quality was unaffected. Control of alternate bearing was carried forward for at least 2 seasons with relatively stable yields following a single spray treatment.
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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10 articles.