Bayston JH,Looney FD,Winfield ME
By means of a low-temperature ESR
technique, several paramagnetic complexes have been detected during the
reaction of aqueous [CoII(CN)5]3- with O2.
Of these only [(CN)5CoIII-O-O-CoIV(CN)5]5-,
the final oxidation product, is stable in solution. It has a 15-line spectrum
resembling that of [(NH3)5CoIII-O-O-CoIV(NH3)5]5+
but more sharply defined and independent of pH.
Under very alkaline conditions the first
oxidation product detectable by ESR has an 8-line signal, indicating a
mononuclear complex, possibly [(CN)5CoIII-O-O]3-.
It is an intermediate in the oxidation of [(CN)5CoIII-O-O-CoIII(CN)5]6-
to [(CN)5CoIII-O-O-CoIV(CN)5]5-
and may reach a high concentration in the presence of 0.5M KOH. Although it may
also prove to be the expected mononuclear inter- mediate in the oxidation of
[CoII(CN)5]3- to [(CN)5CoIII-O-O-CoIII(CN)5]6-,
no 8-line signal is detected until the cyanocobaltate(II) has been consumed.
Present in small amount is a mononuclear
complex with 16 lines, apparently a by-product. Larger amounts can be formed by
reducing [(CN)5CoIII-O-O-CoIII(CN)5]6-
with NaBH4 in strong alkali at -20�C.
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50 articles.